Thursday, June 24, 2010

Twilight Saga: New Moon

I have a confession to make. I know I am a self-confessed movie buff and proud host of  the movie meme, Tuesday Couch Potatoes. But when it comes to the latest movies, I must admit that I am lagging behind. Why? 

Because I only managed to watch the second sequel of the Twilight Saga two weeks ago and it was great! The love story of Edward and Bella is becoming more complicated as it is with Jacob in the scene. The three make a good love triangle. New Moon was a nice movie although I wanted to see more of Edward here. But I guess the focus of New Moon is about the men-wolves and their role in the vampire world. I also thought that Jacob looked better with long hair. Why can't he still have long hair even if he is already a man-wolf? That would have made him stand out more among his man-wolf friends. I can't wait to see Bella's reply to Edward's proposal. 

Eclipse will be shown here in Germany in July. There is an upcoming Twilight Saga triple feature to be shown on July 10 in Corso Kino International, a cinema that shows films in the original English version. I hope Hubby and I get to watch it. I think we can go on a Saturday movie date now that Nanay and Tatay are here. They can babysit for our little girl. Hehe! I'm excited. Looking forward to it!

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