Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where Do Chemists Work?

Or chemical engineers for that matter. Many people were asking me where I would work after I graduate from college with my Chemical Engineering course. Some were skeptical that I would land a good job at all, considering the fact that there aren't much chemical industries in the Philippines, and if there are, chemist or chemical engineer positions are already filled up. I am not in it for the money though but for the experience and the opportunity to practice my profession.

Many chemistry and chemical engineering students these days would also be wondering where they will work after they graduate. There are lots of options actually. Some of which I have listed below:

1. Chemical Industry: Majority of those with chemical experience are employed in the process industries, from food, paper and metallurgical processing as well as in petroleum, pharmaceutical, fine and heavy chemical industries.

2. Food Research Industry: The aim of this industry is to develop new products that will help sustain the food supply.. It is through this industry where new processes and systems are developed, like hydroponic systems and hybrid systems.

3. Government Laboratories: Chemists and chemical engineers play an important role in monitoring and protecting the quality of the environment and fulfilling their regulatory responsibilities. Many also do research that is aimed towards fulfilling social needs.

4. Academe: Many chemists and chemical engineers also opt to teach. Most universities require a PhD degree holder majoring in this area and juggle their time between teaching classes, doing research graduate students and fulfilling administrative works.

There are lots more but I am afraid this post has gone long enough. So there really is no need to worry that you would end up jobless. All it takes is for you to know where to find those jobs.

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