In a few days, we will all be bidding our goodbyes to July and saying hello to August. It has been quite a rather quick yet fun month for me as your host for this movie meme,
Tuesday Couch Potatoes and I hope that you enjoyed participating in our weekly themes despite my misgivings, inadequacies and tardiness as a host.
So we are going to start another month of TCP beginning next Tuesday. We are going a bit international as we explore and feature movies from different parts of the globe and without further ado, here are our themes:
August 3: Koren Dramas
Movies take a back seat as we make way for something that has kept us glued to our seats and kept us awake the entire night. Yes, I know you love Korean dramas so if you know of a Korean movie or a TV series, share it with us this week!
August 10: It's A Greek Thing
Have you seen any Greek movies lately? Nah, it need not entirely be in Greek, as long as the movie contains something Greek-ish in it, such as location, customs and traditions, even mythology.
August 17: Favorite American Movie
So we all love American films. What's your favorite then? Share it with us! It could be a romantic comedy, drama, adventure, sci-film, action, you name it, you can share it.
August 24: Something New
What's the latest, newest movie that you have seen? Did you watch it on the big screen or on DVD? Were you disappointed or did it exceed your expectations? Share with us what you think about it. And add some interesting punchlines too!
August 31: A Filipino Movie
I am curious if you ever watch our very own local Filipino films. If so, what types do you watch? What do you think about Filipino films in general? Have you seen anything interesting lately? Or are you looking forward for a new movie to be released? Now's your chance to brag about the Philippine film industry!
So that's our five themes for the month of August! Looking forward to your entries Couchers! Have a great weekend everyone and see you all again next month for Tuesday Couch Potatoes!