Friday, July 16, 2010

Got A Business Card?

In these modern day, business cards may have become obsolete because of the dominating popularity of mobile phones, PDAs, laptops and other handhelds. When you want to contact someone, you can just scan your mobile phone or PDA and there they are. However, because these are battery operated, chances are, they will also run out of battery at times when you are on an important phone call. That is why it is always safe to have a back-up and this is where business cards come in. These small business cards are also important for the many people who, in spite of the technology available to them, still find it difficult to track where they have stored the emails or mobile numbers of their contacts. 

Even as a stay at home mom, I find the importance of having my own custom business cards to be given to new friends and contacts because I do not memorize my mobile phone number. While I know our home phone number and my husband's mobile number, I do not know mine. Funny, isn't it? I find the need to have my own business card handy because as an expat, connecting and networking with fellow Filipinos and other expats is essential. You never know what comes up and knowing that others know how to contact you and vice versa somehow gives a reassurance that we have a support group that we can turn to.

1 comment:

peraanaliza said...

Hello K, just dropping-by to say that I'm enjoying reading your blogs, very interesting. I've just started reading it recently and since then i've been following your blogs and ofcourse I've got all the time in the world since I'm still off-sick at the moment. I'm reading it via leo's fb account 'coz i haven't got any... keep up the good work. God Bless.. -'T an-

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