Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mommy Moments: At The Park

My little girl loves to go out. Each time she sees me or anyone in the family changing clothes or putting on shoes, she would yell "shush, shush!", grab a pair of shoes that she sees first and will insist that you drop whatever it is that you are doing and put them on her feet! She especially loves to go to the park because she can run about freely and she can discover lots of interesting things. Every park has a playground too so that's her most favorite part. And now that she can already recognize things and has her own preference, chances are she would end up crying because she doesn't want to leave the playground just yet.

After getting some freebies at Jako-o, a famous toy store here.

Her first try at painting using water color. Hubby was surprised to see that she knows 
what to do with the brush. So proud of my girl when Hubby showed me her two artworks!

Trying out the toy bikes. She doesn't know how to use the 
pedaled ones yet so she opted for the "sit and push".

Our latest visit to the park was last Sunday. After church, we dropped by Schlossplatz because it was Familientag (Family Day). There were lots of booths from the many family-oriented establishments and businesses in our area and there were lots of freebies given away too. My little girl got to try lots of activities for children until she got all moody because she wanted to try riding the toy tractors but she couldn't because nothing was available. It was a hot Sunday and well, we all lost our tempers so we just opted to go home and had some rest. 

Continuing the afternoon at Killesberg Park. 
Taken at one of the many flower gardens within the park.

She is such a poser. This is one of the many photos that Hubby 
took when she was goofing in front of the camera.

This was a shaky little bridge but she wasn't afraid to cross it! That's my girl!

This turning thing fascinated her. I forgot how it's called but it was fun but nakakahil
especially if you are the one pushing and turning.

We continued our visit to the park after the little girl has taken her afternoon nap. When everyone was in a good mood again, we headed to Killesberg and there we continued to enjoy the summer heat and the greenery.

Do you enjoy going to the park with your kids too? What fun activities do you do at the park? Find out what other mommies and their kids are up to in the park!

mommy moments


Chubskulit Rose said...

Mas lalong gumaganda si Sam!

sweetytots said...

Wow! She's so brave to cross that bridge. Nice entries mommy..

Hope you can visit mine here and here

Cecile said...

wow, i can't believe it! ang laki na ni Sam! ganda dyan sa park nyo ah, daming fun activities for kids :-)

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

Our very much well travelled kid =) ang dami na nya napuntahang parks for sure, kasi dito pa lang sa Japan, ang dami na diba. SHe's growing prettier. Long hair na sya, i love.

Have a nice weekend =)

kimmy said...

what a brave little girl.. and she looks very cute on the bike. nice post! thanks for sharing..

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