Friday, July 2, 2010

Together At Last

Last Saturday evening, Hubby and I managed to go to the gym together for the first time because our little one was fast asleep and her Lolo and Lola can accompany her in bed. I was very happy to be finally doing something with Hubby other than you know what. (big grin) It was sort of like a date for me. But I was tired that day and my stomach was heavy so that I wasn't able to work hard as much as he did. But it felt good to run by his side, train on the cross trainer while being able to see him run on the treadmill on the other side of the fitness studio and do push ups together. It was also nice to have someone to talk to instead of just listening to the mp3. We were able to talk about lots of things, including what the best weight loss supplements are. He showed me his training routine. He showed me how to use some of the equipment in the studio that I haven't used before and are targeted for specific body muscles. It was an entirely different but distracting experience but so much fun just the same.

I hope it will happen again.

1 comment:

pehpot said...

what? i dont know.. LOL

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