Saturday, July 3, 2010

Whaa!! A Pimple!

After taking my afternoon shower today, I saw a very big lonely pimple on my forehead. This could be the result of my sleepless nights. And I need this thing on my forehead gone pronto or else it would show up in every photo that I have in this vacation. Anyone got a pronexin? That should do the trick!

And speaking of pimples, I recall when I was pregnant. I had so many pimples and acne on my face that it seems only my lips do not have them. They seem to have sprouted like mushrooms or mung beans just a few months into my pregnancy. And it was very itchy that I sometimes can't help but scratch my face or prick them. Gross, right? Now my face has got some scars to remind me of those days. But who cares? I can always get a clear, even-toned face if I really set my heart out to do it. And those pimples brought in a very beautiful child. I guess that's what really matters most.


Raven G. Duran said...

Hi, Can you change my badge link and image on your Badges page? Because I just change my blog's link and bought a new domain name, I also Just change my blog's badge, thank you so much! =)

Just followed you also, just a little last favor please, Can you follow me too?, Thank you so much, as a 16 years old blogger, I really need to have friends in this new kind of community.

It's OK if you won't follow me too, but it would be really appreciated


Eurotrip Tips said...

Try hydrocortisone. It's cheap and it works. The 0.05% tube is sold in pharmacies but you have to ask a chemist for the 0.1% version, most of the time. You do not need a prescription, though.

Hope that helped. :)

Fink said...

Just rest, sleep and eat at the right time, i'm sure it will gone.

btw: clicked ur ads, please click mine too thanks

Rossel said...

Hi! I am looking for your TCP post to link mine. I forgot you're now having a blast. lol! just enjoy your vacation, sis. paki-link na lang ako pag up na post mo...


Jac said...

whew kakainis talaga pag may pimples! btw. I got something for you

Cookie said...

Hello Kikamz!!! Musta na you? I miss you na girl!

Anyway, after reading this article of yours, it made me ask... basin pregnant napud ka? hehehe

Give my hugs and kisses to baby Sam! I miss that girl, too. Have a great day in there with your family.

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