Thursday, August 12, 2010

Celebrating Health

I just talked to my mother and father on the phone today. It's my father's 60th birthday and so I called to greet him and to also know if everything is well. My mic is not working properly and after two failed skype calls, I finally to contact them and ask them to go online. I am glad that my father is happy celebrating his birthday with family and friends. Although me and my eldest sister cannot be there, he sounded happy when I greeted him. He just retired from work and I am glad that he found something to keep himself busy with: working on his vegetable garden. He has always wanted to buy a parcel of land and farm it. If we only have the money, we will gladly help him buy one. But since we cannot afford yet, I guess Papa would have to make do with his little garden.

What worries me more is my Mom. She has been having problems with her feet, she finds it very difficult to walk. She told me that her creatinine and cholesterol levels are high too. If only there is a medicine that works as fast as a barcode scanner works at the groceries, I wouldn't have to worry much. I hope that I can get a clearer picture of her health condition... I will have to ask my sister to tell me more. I have a feeling that my Mom is not telling me everything because she doesn't want us worrying.

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