Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lemon Drops and Gum Drops

It seems that summer's over for us here in Germany. The weather forecast says that it's going to rain in the next six days. Since this morning, the skies are gray and the clouds are threatening of rain. I had some errands to make today: get a new ATM card because my present is defective again, buy a cortisone cream for Tatay, buy some groceries. I was praying that it wouldn't rain while I was on the train because I didn't bring any umbrella with me. Thankfully, my prayers were heard and I got home safe and dry.

This afternoon, it suddenly poured. It suddenly became dark that I had to ask my little girl to turn on the lights. I showed her the pitter-pat of the rain drops outside our balcony and sang her a song. She instantly recognized it and we ended up looking for her barney video, played it and sang:

"If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops,
Oh, what a rain it would be.
Standing outside with my mouth open wide
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! 
Oh, what a rain it would be!

If all the snow flakes were candy bars and milkshakes,
Oh, what a snow it would be.
Standing outside with my mouth open wide
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! 
Oh, what a snow it would be!"

Then it was time for her afternoon nap. It wasn't that hard to send her to bed. The weather is cool, perfect for cuddling in bed. Perhaps she already dreaming of lemon drops and gum drops right this instant.

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