Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Something Green

I have always loved ornamental plants, flowering plants and gardens. Being around them always make me feel relaxed and allow me to breath easy. That's why when we moved into our "new" house last year, we planted some greens in our balcony. But I wasn't able to take better care of them. I allowed them to wither and die in the blistering cold of the winter winds so that what remains empty pots and a few ornamental that I managed to put inside our house during the winter season.

I hope to make my little garden in the balcony like in the photo shown above. A little water fountain, some plants, rocks and tiny garden furniture will do the trick. I just hope that I will be able to grow and maintain such a tiny garden here. It will truly be our little haven here in the city. With me going to school soon and hubby busy with work, a little respite for us to talk and ease our burdens will indeed be a treat. Yes, I would definitely love a tiny garden such as the one in the photo above. I wish!


nancy said...

nice pieces of furniture!

hi, i'm new here. looking for a link exchange if you won't mind. i hopeto hear from you back.

have a pleasant day ahead!

Jazevox said...

i like the patio garden in the photo with the wooden path and the peeble rocks on it, looks very comforting to the eyes especially when you live in the city with not a lot of trees nearby.

firepits said...

I am new here! The post is nice! The furniture pieces and patio are really great.

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