Many shopping stores here have their own gimmicks to get as many customers as they can to come to their store and buy their items. Some hold special sales, others offer very attractive packages and still others, free subscriptions for a few months just for people to try the product. There's another that is very attractive, one that they call 0% Finanzierung in which you can purchase items and pay them on an installment basis at 0% interest. This is one great opportunity that no one would like to pass, right?
For us though, this is something that we like to stay away from. But I guess 0% Finanzierung is not bad at all because you get to enjoy the products that you want to buy at the moment such as an additional samsung lcd so that the husband and the daughter will not fight over what tv program to watch. Most of the time, it is the daughter who wins though. Lol! An advantage of this types of special offers? You don't have to take out a large amount of money at the moment just to satisfy your craving. That means you can have better use of your cash while still enjoying some of the good things in life.
Too bad the 0% Finanzierung at Media Markt ends on the 5th of February. We are disqualified because our AE (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) expires in three months and we have yet to renew or extend it on the 7th of February.

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