I know I am way too late for my Girls Talk entry but as they always say, better late than never! This Thursday's theme is WORK RESOLUTIONS so I guess it would be safe to say that I obviously haven't done any work resolutions yet, for the obvious reason that this post is LATE!
I have been a good procrastinator as far as my online work is concerned. I am guilty of being a buzzer beater as I only write my online tasks on the due date! And now the tasks are piling up so I know I must seriously work out my time management, and stop doing other extras when I am online. The final exams at the university are also coming up, therefore the more I need to manage my time. But how does one manages his/her time? I absolutely don't know anymore. Perhaps I should attend another workshop on "Time Management 101" to get me back on track again.
Because I am a student-Mom-wife-blogger-individual, I do hope that I will be able to allot quality time to all those roles and be able to fulfill the needs required by each. It is one tough job I know to do a balancing act, but I hope I can manage. I have a long way to go but with my family's support and understanding, I know that I will endure.

so I noticed, kikamz, lol! good luck on that!
we are on the same boat. i think most girl talkers have problem with time management. it is not really that easy but good luck to us, sis!
have a great week!
it's a wonder how you can juggle all your responsibilities and still be able to blog! i think that alone is a sign of good time management on your part. if i were in your position, i doubt if i would have any time at all to spend earning online! school is demanding kaya, and so is being a mom :)
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