Photos are an essential part of our life because they capture those moments that only at that moment existed. These photographs are reminders of those days gone by. That is why getting a family photo at least once a year is a big deal to me. I guess I am just one of those sentimental types. But what can I do? I am one sentimental person... and if there is anyTHING precious that I can hold on to in this world, that would have to be our photographs.
So here are our recent family snapshots:
Sinulog 2011
Christmas 2010
Laternefest 2010 at Samantha's Kindergarten
These are the two most precious people in my life and I would willingly trade the day just to be with them. Yes, we are not perfect and the days are not always good. But I feel complete when I am with them. I have no care in this world as long as I am with them. They're the reason why I always come rushing home after the last lecture is done, after I am done with my important errands.
Our family is a circle of strength and love…
With every birth and every union the circle grows…
Every joy shared adds more love…
Every crisis faced together
makes the circle grow stronger.

wow! lovely family! keep it up, girl! Happy MM!
i am like you.. sentimental with photos! :D happy mommy moments!
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