I can't believe January is about to come to an end. In less than five days, we will wake up to the first day of the Love Month, which incidentally is also a Tuesday. We all know that if it is Tuesday, it is going to be Tuesday Couch Potatoes meme day. So what's in store for all of us this February on TCP? Nothing but love, love, love of course!

So to all you hopeless romantics out there, get your romantic film titles ready for Tuesday Couch Potatoes as we go ALL ABOUT LOVE!
Remember the different kinds of love? If you don't, well let me refresh your memories as they will be the basic themes for this month.
February 1. Storge / Familial Love: Because We Are a Family. Storge love is often described as a comfortable old shoe relationship comprised of natural affection and a sense of belonging to each other. This could be movies that depict the warm affection that parents have for their children or about couples who end up with each other because of the trust, acceptance and mutual respect that they have for one another.
February 8. Phileo / Friendship Love: Camaraderie and Friendship. It's the kind of love talked about by Jesus, who said: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Philia is the embodiment of everything a true, meaningful friendship represents. This love cherishes and has tender affection for the beloved but it expects a response. It is a love of relationship, comradeship, sharing, communication and friendship. While eros makes lovers, phileo makes a close companionship that is all trusting. They share each other’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, plans and dreams. I know you have lots of titles in mind for this friendship love theme.
February 15. Eros / Romantic Love: When A Man Loves A Woman. By definition, EROS is the desire to draw out all that is good, beautiful and true. It is motivated by need. It's often understood to refer primarily to sex, but that's really only one part of it - albeit a significant part. Eros involves the emotional need to elicit physical love and affection ("beautiful expression" in general) from the one you love. What's the greatest romantic love film you've seen so far then?
February 22. Agape / Unconditional Love: To Love Selflessly. The word agape often represents divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love. Thomas Jay Oord has defined agape as "an intentional response to promote well-being when responding to that which has generated ill-being." In his book, The Pilgrimage, author Paulo Coelho defines it as "the love that consumes," i.e., the highest and purest form of love, one that surpasses all other types of affection. Contemporary philosopher Slavoj Žižek refers to it as "political love". Greek philosophers at the time of Plato and other ancient authors have used forms of the word to denote love of a spouse or family, or affection for a particular activity.
These are our themes for the month of February. So now you know a little bit more about love! :D

i am excited to share my favorite movies for the theme
im interested to participate in TCP meme...adding your link both TCP and your site to mine, hope you do the same
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