It is not always that I get to watch a film in cinemas. I think I was only able to watch a movie outside once last 2010 and it was the film Inception. So you can say that I missed a lot of movies in 2010 and my list is a long one. Downloading movies is also not an option because the quality just isn't good enough.
So I had to choose from my list of "2010 Movies to Watch" and the 3D animation film "How To Train Your Dragon" just hit the number one spot. Why? Because it is wholesome, something that the entire family can watch over and over again. From the reviews that I read online, I heard that it is a great movie that the entire family will enjoy. Plus, it came from the makers of Shrek, Madagascar, and Kung Fu Panda, movies that I truly enjoyed even though I am an adult so I know that I will also love this one. I do hope I can grab a copy soon!
Here's a movie synopsis taken from the Official DVD Site of How To Train Your Dragon:
"Set in the mythical world of burly Vikings and wild dragons, and based on the book by Cressida Cowell, the action comedy tells the story of HIccup, a Viking teenager who doesn't exactly fit in with his tribe's longstanding tradition of heroic dragon slayers. Hiccup's world is turned upside down when he encounters a dragon that challenges he and his fellow Vikings to see the world from an entirely different point of view."
So what's your Would Love To Watch This Movie pick? Don't forget to enter your TCP entry's URL in the linky!
Please do watch out for next week's theme: Surprisingly Nice!, movies that received bad reviews or you were reluctant to watch because your friends said it was disappointing but you watched it anyway and turned out to be nice.
Thank you all for joining us this week for another edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes! I hope to see you all again next week and please do stay-tuned for another TCP contest that I am planning. Have a good week everyone and Happy TCP!

I haven't watched this movie either and my sister said it was really nice. :)
Grr it should be Little World of Fun would my title there not My little home. sorry I am just too sleepy wahhh anyway, thats a good movie though, my kid always watch it here at home
Hi Anne! No worries, your link title is now updated to Little World of Fun! God bless!
nice to join once again with my other blog Heartifying!. hope i could be able to join again next week...:D
i personally like How To Train Your Dragon together with my kids. thanksie!
nice movie, i will look for this kind of movie, meanwhile put it in my list. mine is up! happy TCP!
i haven't watched this yet but i heard a lot of good things about it. got to watch this film one way or another, lol!
I haven't seen this movie, but my kids did. It's very rare that I watch cartoons, but I know that when I do, I will love it.
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