Hello Couchers, and welcome to the January 18th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes. Sorry for the late post, this blogger was feeling under the weather yesterday. I am still feeling a little groggy and light-headed but I have to write this one. So let's get started, shall we?
This week's theme is Surprisingly Nice! We often hear of our friends describing a bad movie that they saw which they thought really bad and wasn't worth their time and money but then, when you watched it, just to satisfy your curiosity, turned out to be a good one. This theme is for that kind of movie.
My pick will be, The Tuxedo, a 2002 comedy-action film staring Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt. It is a spy spoof that involves a tuxedo that gives its wearer special abilities. I would agree that the script was written very badly and that this was one of Chan's worst movies but he and Hewitt got charm and Chan's moves, while donning the tuxedo, are just to watch for. It turned out to be a very entertaining watch for me, what with the good humor, the action and the hint of romance between Jimmy (Chan) and Del (Hewitt).
Synopsis: Jackie Chan looks spiffy in The Tuxedo, but the movie needs a tailor. No Jackie Chan movie could be a total misfire, however, and he's charmingly self-effacing here as a hapless chauffeur who inadvertently replaces his injured super-agent boss (Jason Issacs) and foils a madman (Ritchie Coster) who plans to infect the world's water supply (!) and reap a fortune selling pure bottled water. Jackie's a bumbling superhero after donning his boss's high-tech, Inspector Gadget-like tuxedo (it even has a "Mambo" setting), and curvaceous co-agent Jennifer Love Hewitt coaches him in crime fighting while closing in on the bad guys. It's all as routinely ridiculous as it sounds--Jackie's faux James Brown act is the only real highlight--and as critic Roger Ebert observed, the climax hinges on an insect queen that doesn't exist in nature! So, while Jackie and Jennifer provide a few moments of stellar stunts and random amusement, you can blame this mess on screenwriters who didn't do their homework. --Jeff Shannon (Rotten Tomatoes website)
What's your movie this week? Don't forget to share it with us here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes and enter your TCP entry URL in the linky below:
See you guys next week for another TCP Movie with the theme Favorite Movie from 2010. Thank you very much for joining us this week! Have a good week everyone!

hi, am here with my TCP entry. happy to be the first to send my comment. Texedo is a nice movie ended, funny, entertaining and a two thumbs up movie. happy TCP!
I love this movie, Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt were funny. medyo na OA lang ng konti si Jennifer, pero oks na oks si Jackie of course.
i love jackie chan, period. lol!
i love this movie because jackie chan is in it! lols! nice pick!
happy TCP!
now i thought of watching this movie. hubby happened to have this movie on our movie rack. thanks for the share.
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