Today is the last day of my exams. In less than three hours, I will answering ten questions related to environmental economics and technology assessment. I hope that I remember all the stuff that I have been reading and taking note of these past few days.
There are some topics that I learned back when I was still doing my bachelor but that was like nine or ten years ago so that I am familiar with some of the concepts. But as they always, it all depends on how the professor explains things. So in the last few days, I also found myself trying to get and read all the reading materials that I can. I found myself printing lecture notes that I never thought I'd need since they are duplicates of the slide presentations. I got impatient waiting for the printing to finish that I wished we got some of those laser printers on sale. I even realised that I went on a diet because I only ate apples or boiled egg as I am too lazy to prepare a decent meal.
I can't really tell if I am already read to take the exams. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that the questions would not be so difficult and that I will be able to answer them accordingly. With only ten questions and almost ten chapters worth of lectures, it is hard to pinpoint which ones will most probably come out and which ones won't.

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