I used to consider myself a techie when I was still single. But because I find them expensive, I would just look at them in shops and wish that I had one. Hehehe! But thanks to my then-boyfriend-now-husband, I was able to enjoy gadgets like mp3 player, digital camera, and a laptop. The perks of being the girlfriend of someone who studied at a university in Tokyo, Japan. But I actually "stole" them from him. Lol!
I don't know if I am still a techie these days. I still would go loco over new electronic gadgets and silently wished I had one but I just don't see the necessity yet. I wish I had an iPhone or a laptop or an iPad or stuff like that but being a mom and a wife makes me put all these "wants" aside.
I guess we only buy electronic goods and upgrade when it is really necessary. We bought a Nikon DSLR back in 2009 because our digital camera was wearing out. Then we bought a desktop PC because the laptop was dying. We bought an LCD TV because we practically don't have a TV!
I wish though that I had a Nikon digital camera and a smartphone. It would be easier for me to take photos wherever I am with a small, pocket sized camera. The smartphone would be for me to be connected online even when I am at the university. I am not yet desperate for a laptop but I know in a few months time, I will be needing one.
These days, one must think first before buying. Although there are a lot of good things out there, at the end of the day, are they worth buying? Do you actually use them? One must also consider the environment when buying all these techie gadgets. Remember that these electronic gadgets have heavy and precious metals, hazardous substances, and plastics in them and they are not easy to process. If you don't need them anymore, how are you going to dispose of them?

Yep, I agree. That's why I always wait a while, a year or more if possible before buying a gadget. Gadgets easily change in versions, gets upgraded fast and become obsolete that fast also. It's important to spend your money in something that you really really need and will give value for that hard-earned money.
we moms are really selfless when it comes to kids. i often think about having new gadgets, but then, i would say to myself that with the money for that, i could my kids this and that, or something the whole family would enjoy.
Come and see my dream gadget. Never hesitate to drop by my STREET.
Happy GT!
right you are, girl! we have a lot of old cellphones here at home coz i don't know how to throw them away. i know it is toxic and fire hazard.. wish you get the cam you wish, lol!
mine's HERE by the way..
yup, as moms, we do tend to put aside our wants for our family.
here's my gt entry: http://pepperrific.com/2011/04/gt-a-gorgeous-orange-camera/
now that is an interesting take. mejo naguilty naman ako for wanting another camera. waaahh!!
yes, you need a smartphone. or anything you can use to go online when you're at the univ. we marces miss you :(
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