I discovered Jodi Picoult while waiting for my husband to pick me up at the university. Jodi Picoult writes about family, relationships and love. The first ever novel of hers that I read was Change of Heart. I loved the book and I am planning on purchasing another Jodi Picoult soon. Or perhaps, someone would give me one for Mother's Day? Hmm....

The next book and the latest novel that I read was entitled The Gift. This time, it is written by Cecelia Ahern, author of P.S. I Love You, now a motion picture of the same title.
According to Publisher's Weekly,
"...a winning tale of magic and redemption... Ahern's an accomplished storyteller, and her writing chops elevate this far above the normal holiday fare. There's magic, but it's not campy, and the sentiment is real."
Just reading the description of the novel from the back cover told me that I should buy it right away. It may be coincidence because the book is about understanding the value of time. It is about people who, not unlike parcels, hide secrets. They cover themselves in layers until the right person unwraps them and discovers what’s inside. Sometimes you have to be unravelled in order to find out who you really are.
Itching for an interesting read? Try The Gift out!

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