Hello Couchers! So it's time for another edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes. The days just seem to fly by so fast that before I have even found the time to comment on your entries, it is time again to post a new TCP edition. And it's already the 23rd of May, would you believe that? Just where did the days go anyway? Summer is indeed coming very fast!

So this week's theme for Tuesday Couch Potatoes is " The Grannies". My pick will be In Her Shoes, a 2005 film that focuses on the relationship between two sisters and their grandmother. It stars Cameron Diaz as Maggie Feller, Toni Collette as Rose Feller, and Shirley MacLaine as Ella Hirsch, the grandmother they never knew existed until Maggie found an address when she was searching through her father's desk for some money. Maggie and Rose are two very different individuals. Rose is a serious, lonely and responsible lawyer while Maggie is a vivacious, happy go lucky who can't keep a steady job due to her inability to read. When Maggie was thrown out of her sister's apartment because Rose caught them in the act with her boyfriend, Maggie had nowhere else to go but to their grandmother.
It was in her grandmother's nursing home where Maggie discovered what she is really capable of and became a personal clothing shopper for the elderly. She also found a friend in a blind literature Professor who understood her dyslexic condition and encouraged her to read despite her difficulty. Unknown to Maggie and Rose, their grandmother Ella hasn't recovered from their mother's death and partly blamed her granddaughters for her death. For her, the girls contributed even more to their mother's difficulties, who suffered from a mental disorder and refused to take her medication. The three were able to bond and resolve their complicated past though. At the end of the movie, Maggie read a poem for her sister Rose during her wedding and this was the scene that did it for me.
I cried upon hearing the poem's content. It's a real weepie and is a poem by E.E. Cummings.
So what's your Granparent Movie this Tuesday? Come and share it with us here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes in the link below.
Thank you all Couchers for your never-ending support to Tuesday Couch Potatoes. I hope to see you all again next for the theme "Fast Cars". Happy TCP and have a beautiful week everyone!

I still haven't watched this movie, but I have always wanted to, since I first saw it at a trailer.
havent seen this one yet!
havent seen this movie, sound interesting. mine is up!:-)
love this one! Cameron was AWESOME! playing the pretty but brainless girl, lol!
<a href="http://earthandi.info/2011/05/tcpchocolat/>MY ENTRY</a> is up!
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