And with only sixty minutes to spare? I don't think you would be able to even open your notes and books to find for the correct formula. I say why not make it a closed book exam but provide all the necessary formulas instead? That should save us some time.
I was shaking while I was writing and solving the problems for this particular exam in Mechanical Process Engineering knowing that I only have so little time. But to answer five problems with about 4-5 sub-questions is simply unmanageable for me. I think even the smartest person in our class will not be able to finish all of that in an hour.
The craziness of the educational system here. I guess it's a good training for me but I also have a life to live and a family to take care. Maybe this graduate school thing is not reallly for me after all? I guess I will have to wait and see if I passed the exams or not. Only then will I be able to decide whether I am cut up for this kind of thing.
Here's hoping for the best. :D

If it's an open-note exam, the books don't usually have the answer. And worse, mas lisud ang items kay purely analysis.
Pasado ka ato K! :)
cheer up... just think of you are not the only one who felt the same =)
cheer up... just think of that you are not the only one who felt the same =)
it's nice to read that i am not the only one thinking that i must have been mad to go through studying again. Not that i'm enjoying your rant but i do sympathise a lot. i think it takes a special kind of person (that's us!) who can multitask studying, plus family blogging....etc. etc. etc. Keep up the good work!
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