This week has been kind of toxic.... I am always in a hurry and in a rush to get from one place to another. I have appointments to go to, deadlines to meet, and emails to answer! I don't even have time to really clean the house. I know I need some kind of a break... Even my body is complaining and showing signs of stress - an aching back, a limping stride, and inability to sleep. I do have a good idea for a break, one that is still relaxing... at least for me: CLEANING.
You'd think I am crazy. I could be. But for someone like me who wants to unwind, I need first a place that is uncluttered and relaxing. And what better place that is than HOME? But the current state of our home: MESSY. So first things first - clean up and then relax and chill later on.
And I am not the only occupant in the house. My husband and my little girl need a clean home more than I do. With my husband allergic to dusts, he needs a dust-free house as much as possible. But he is not complaining and I thank him for that. And my little girl also needs a place where she can play. With her toys scattered all over the house, there just isn't enough space for her to play anymore. So I will have to engage her tomorrow for some cleaning too. She needs to also learn how to clean up after her own mess.
Good luck to me then! And oh! Have a great weekend everyone!

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