My little girl enjoys playing outdoors. Thankfully, there is a neighborhood kids playground and park near where we live so that we can go there whenever we want.
I was exhausted after working for my master's thesis and my little girl and hubby decided to meet me at the park. It was really fun to be playing with my daughter. She has this never-ending enthusiasm and energy about her that is just so refreshing, you can't help but be happy and forget all your series.
And here are some of those priceless photos that I took while we were playing at the playground. She is just so adorable and I love her to bits! And with that smile on her face, the laughter that rings in my ears and the face that lights up with happiness, I realize how blessed I am.
This is my little piece of heaven here on earth... and I wouldn't want to trade these wonderful moments with her with anything else.

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