My little girl loves to draw... She draws just about anything and most of her drawings even have a story to tell. Sometimes she would ask me to draw something for her, like animals and then she would draw in her own characters to complete the story. On most days, she draws everything by herself, because we encourage her to explore and be creative and because I have housechores to do. Hehe!
One day, she drew something on paper which she gave to our Aunt friend. Too bad I forgot to take a photo of it. It was really nice. She drew a rainbow, a hill with a house and a woman who is on her way from the hospital going back home. She even asked me how the name of her Auntie-Lola is written so she can write it herself.
And here is another drawing which she made recently:
She drew first a hill, and (from L-R) a house pet, flowers, a house, herself with the long hair, me, her "big brother", her daddy, and the garden with a playground consisting of a set of swings and a slide. In the middle is a flower and the scribbles are supposed to be the names of her friends who she invited to come over to play. I guess the photo shows how much my girl wanted to have a house pet. See the dog tied on a leash and the little girl with the long hair holding the leash? Maybe when she is bigger and can take bigger responsibilities, she can have a pet dog. And I guess my little girl is also longing to have other siblings in the house. Lately, she has been drawing not only three human figures but four, the fourth one being a brother or a sister.
Ain't she a good artist? I try nurture her talent by allowing her to be creative and encourage her by telling her she is doing a great job when she is finished drawing something. I sometimes show her how something is drawn and she will later copy what I drew. I also allow her to play some coloring games on the internet. There are pretty good websites that offer crafts and coloring activities for kids. Our favorites:, and

liwat sa mama ang pagka artist! :)
Sam has grown up! A lot! :)
You have a budding artist huh. Encourage her to explore on her creativity and she'll do wonders.
Ria C
It's My Party
Home is Where the Heart Is
Red Lips and Pinky Toes
The Travel Bug
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