It has been very hot lately and my little girl was very excited to go to the outdoor pool since she had a two-week break from the kindergarten. So we went last week. Not only once, but twice. She was so excited so that the day before we went swimming, she went with her Daddy shopping for arm floaties, swim ring and even swimming goggles. Then she happily said, "Ja! Nur einmal schlafen und dann gehen wir Urlaub!" (Yes! Only one more sleep and we will go on vacation!)
Yes, she equates swimming to a vacation! And we need not go that far... We only need to take the train to get to the outdoor pool or Freibad as they call it here. So one hot Tuesday afternoon, we went to Möhringen Freibad. When we got there, we headed directly for the kiddie wading pools (Kinderplantschbecken), which is a series of 3 pools, water cascading one after the other. The water was only knee waist-deep (my daughter's height as reference) so it is safe enough for little children. And since she is all geared up with her swimming accessories, we feel twice as safer.
My, did she have a lot of fun! There is also a playground adjacent to the pool with a sand box and water system where children can be creative and make sand castles. Plus there is an "Idiana Jones" ride that my girl really enjoyed!
It was a fun-filled afternoon and a very great day for a family bonding. On the way home, she asked: "Wann gehen wir noch mal in Urlaub?" (When are we going on vacation again?) to which I answered with a smile, "Mal sehen..." (Let's see...)

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