I don't know how to play the piano but I do appreciate the beautiful music that it brings each time. Because we don't know how to play the piano, we obviously do not own one. Perhaps that will change now that our little girl is growing and she is interested most of all in music and dance, particularly ballet. I just know that one day, one would need to learn how to play the piano and play a few pieces that the little girl can dance to or for her to learn a few pieces herself. But where to buy good quality pianos?
I know there are a number of trusted and good piano dealers here in our area. I think I saw one near the Feuersee station and they offer among others, the finest Steinway pianos. I haven't got a chance to come into the shop yet but I know that I would learn a lot about pianos from this piano dealer, as expected for most piano expert consultants.
I think a good Piano Dealer should offer free consulting service prior to sales so that the customer is guided in making a decision. They should also offer the option to rent a piano unit if the customer only wishes to use it for a specified period of time. It would also be great if they offer piano instructions or can refer customers to reputable piano teachers or music schools offering piano lessons.
I have a piano app on my phone which is designed for children. It is not much as it only has the basic 8 notes but my little girl has learned how to play Happy Birthday and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star with it. With a real piano, the possibilities are endless. It would indeed be a wonderful past time for my little girl. Who knows?

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