I have been blogging on and off since 2008 through the encouragement of a friend. Anything just goes for my "mixed bag" blog. I blog just about anything, which is how this blog is called. Setting up a blog may sound easy but it actually takes more than just posting. It is quite easy to set-up a blog but to sustain it and obtain loyal readers is an entirely different story.
To create a successful website or blog, there are some things to consider. For one, you need to consider readership. Who is your target audience? Once you know your target audience, then you need to think of what topics they are most interested in that is also in line with your interests. When I first started with blogging, I thought about my family and friends who I left behind in the Philippines and thought that it would be a good idea to blog about my experiences, adventures and travels in a foreign country.
Ideas do not always come so that sometimes, it is difficult to write. When you start your blog, try to ask yourself if you will be able to post at least once a week on the topic that you have chosen. If the answer is YES, then you are on the right track. If it's a NO, then you have to rethink whether it is a good idea to start blogging in the first place. Blogging entails passion and if you don't have the passion to write about the things that you love, then it would be for naught.
Reaching out to blog networks and making it a habit of responding to comments and commenting on other blog posts as well will also help to make your blog seem more interactive and reach out to people. This will also give you an idea whether your posts are relevant or interesting to your readers.
These are just some of my thoughts. As I am no blog guru, you can always google "how to make a website" to learn the technical and not-so-technical aspects. You can also check out http://www.hereshowtomakeawebsite.com/ for a step-by-step tutorial on setting up your very own website.

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