Friday, September 13, 2013

Dining At CavaMar

After the captivating Flamenco show, we decided to go for a walk near the beach area. I was still a bit giddy from the cava (Spanish sparkling wine) that we had while watching the dance and the walk helped evaporate the alcohol so to speak. 

At the pedestrian bridge in Port Vell, Barcelona.
Hubby and I found ourselves walking towards the Port Vell and then on to Barceloneta beach. It was a Friday evening so it was teeming locals and tourists alike. The port reminded me of dear Yokohama, filled with yachts, shops and restaurants. We did a little sightseeing and a little shopping until our feet got tired and our bellies began to grumble from hunger.

CavaMar Restaurant and Tapas Bar is located along Barceloneta Beach.
There was a vast selection of restaurants on the beach front and since we didn't make any reservations for dinner, we decided on CavaMar, a restaurant and tapas bar that we found along Barceloneta Beach. 

It was a bit full but we were lucky to have found a table. We ordered a bottle of white wine and a platter of seafoods. While waiting for our food, we were served a small basket of bread and some olives to munch on. 

It must have been the wine but I found myself very light and happy. I was very talkative too and must have blabbed on and on about my thesis topic to my husband who found it sweet, endearing and funny to witness the state that I am in. Hehe! 

I guess it has also been a while since Hubby and I really went out on a date without having to rush with our food while looking out for the little one so it was a very refreshing experience for us. The atmosphere at the restaurant was a mixture of subdued and lively conversations, and the cool evening breeze from the beach added to the ambience.   

We didn't expect our platter of seafood to be very huge! It made a lot of sense why hubby ordered just one dish. :) It consisted of a large crab, different kinds of shells, big shrimps, and fish steaks. It was lightly spiced and seasoned just the way I want and I ate to my heart's content.

I had to eat most of the crab since hubby was allergic so that I was so full and very light headed by the time we finished dinner. We then walked a bit more along the beach before heading back to our hotel.

And yes, I love Spanish food... Looking forward to more servings of tapas and seafood! :D 

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