Perhaps you are familiar with the term NIMBY. It is the acronym for "Not in my backyard". While we are concerned about our surrounding's cleanliness, we actually do not care much about what happens to our garbage once the garbage truck has collected it. When there is a tree being felled in the neighborhood, we actually don't like it when the branches and leaves are scattered all over the street. Oh no, NIMBY!
There is actually a simple solution for keeping huge amounts of trash in an orderly fashion. While garbage bins wiltel be the usual answer for home garbage disposal, there is what we call dumpters to hold waste that are too large for the trash bins.
What is this dumster service for? It actually has lots of practical uses. If you are renovating your home and have lots of waste construction materials like concrete, wood, iron bars - having a dumster allows for easier trasport of these waste materials to your city's landfill or incinerator. If there is a big event in your school or community and you are expecting a big volume of waste generation, it is also a good way to have a dumster bin or two where all the waste will be collected. That way, it becomes easier to collect and transport it.