Remember the story of the creation? "Let there be light!" was what our Creator said on the first day... and then there was light.
In our modern world, lights have played a major role in our day to day activities. We use them to light up our streets in the dark of night, to brighten up a room or highlight a display, to add up to the ambience of say a restaurant. We especially pay attention to lights during the holiday seasons because they add up to the festivities. The brighter and more sparkly the lights from are, the better! Seeing bright and twinkly lights always draw up attention and makes you feel the wonder and beauty of it all. But of course there is more to Christmas than just lights.
Did you know that Christmas lights started in Germany? Upper class German homes in 18th century used candles to decorate the Christmas tree. Then people started using candle holders as part of the decorations and also glass balls to put the candles in. Years passed and electricity was then discovered and the light bulb was invented. From then on, it evolved into the Christmas lights that we so enjoy today: they come in many different colors, dancing in rhythmn with the Christmas carols that come in the package. Also, in the olden days, people used fire, oil lamps, wax candles to lighten up the night and bring warmth in the cold days. I remember touring the Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany and saw the high chandeliers which needed to be lighted up every single night with hundreds of wax candles. Imagine the labor that comes with lighting a candle chandelier, which needed to be repeatedly done once the candles melt down.
But thankfully, artificial lighting technology evolved through the years. Aren't you just glad you are born in this generation of LED lights?