Friday, June 22, 2018

How To Light The Yard

If you're looking for a way to add beauty to the exterior of your home or if you want better security, then consider outdoor lighting. There are numerous options available, such as floodlights at the corners of your home or lights that are positioned to illuminate trees and bushes. However, there are a few common mistakes that can be made that you can avoid by working with a landscape lighting Overland Park company. 

One of the mistakes that you might not even think that you're making is not adding lighting to your landscape in the first place. After spending a lot of time and money getting your landscaping just right, it's often best to install some kind of lighting so that you can accent the hard work that you've done at all times. Sometimes, not using outdoor lighting can decrease the value of your home, especially if you live in a neighborhood where other homes have this type of lighting and you don't. 

When you install outdoor lighting, the focus needs to be on the thing that you're illuminating instead of on the fixture. You don't want people to pay too much attention to a light that is beside a tree when they are supposed to be looking at the tree itself. However, if you use artistic light sources, such as butterfly lights or mirror balls, then you might want people to pay attention to the light source as well as the focal point. Avoid putting too many lights in one area of the yard. There will be too much emphasis on one detail, and you can sometimes make the rest of the yard seem too dark. Scatter smaller lights at various points, such as in front of a flower bed or in front of a small bush that you want to highlight.

Ways to Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes

When most people think about dangerous animals, animals like alligators, lions, or bears come to mind. And it is true that these animals can hurt humans. However, one of the most dangerous animals on the planet is the mosquito. It is very small, but the diseases it can deliver are deadly. Mankind has been battling with yellow fever, dengue, and malaria for many years. Newer diseases, like Zika, are also delivering some serious blows. Here are ways that you can protect yourself against mosquitoes.

You want to create an environment in your home where mosquitoes will not be able to access your family and where they will not be able to breed. First, check your yard and other places around your home where water collects. Dump out buckets, old tires, and other receptacles that may be collecting water after it rains. Next, take steps to stop mosquitoes from entering your home. If it is possible, put screens on your windows and doors. Or you may use screen enclosures in Jacksonville to just make certain areas mosquito free. Using a mosquito net over the bed at night will protect you while you were sleeping.

You want to wear protective clothing to prevent bites. Mosquitoes like dark colors, so it is better to wear light-colored clothing when you know mosquitoes are going to be the most active. Wearing light color pants and long sleeve shirts is helpful. Socks are are also beneficial to protect your ankles and the top of your feet.

There are a variety of different repellents you can use in order to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Some of these use harsh chemicals, while others use natural ingredients. Take time to research the options that are available to find out which ones really work against mosquitoes and which ones will not have potential health risks.

Getting medical treatment as soon as possible after contracting a mosquito borne illness is extremely important. However, when it comes to mosquito bites, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you can protect your family from mosquito bites, you can avoid a lot of uncomfortable symptoms and even long-term health problems.

3 Benefits of Yacht Ownership

If you are the type of person that loves the feel of the open water, you have probably spent more than your share of time on a boat or yacht. Having everything you need right at the tip of your hands is certainly advantageous, as is being able to navigate the seas and enjoy a day or night out on the water. In fact, you might even want to set sail for a few days, not even touching land until you are good and ready. For these reasons and more, you should consider the following three benefits associated with yacht ownership. 

Never Make a Reservation Again
Little can be more frustrating than finding time to go on a yacht trip, only to discover that no boats are available for the days that you have free. Making a reservation is a cumbersome and often difficult process. However, this headache is eliminated when you own your yacht. Just take a look at some of the Sabre yachts for sale and you will quickly realize that this is a path you definitely want to pursue. 

Enjoy the Personal Touches
When you rent a boat, it just will not seem like home no matter how many personal amenities come with it. When you have your own yacht, you will be able to add the personal touches that make you feel comfortable. From artwork to your own bed, everything will be extra comfortable each and every time you set sail. 

Customize Your Ship
Renting a boat may have some advantages, but you will rarely get a yacht that has all of the features you personally desire. Owning your own yacht takes care of this problem. Customize it the way you want and you sure to be much happier in the end. 

These three benefits alone illustrate some of the many reasons why yacht ownership is coveted. If you love getting out on a boat, you will want to consider owning a boat in order to have it accessible wheneever you want. It is a complete addition to your lifestyle that you are sure to enjoy for years to come. 

Customizing the Look for Your Kitchen

When you remodel your kitchen, you may not want to use fixtures that are mass produced and sold at big box stores and home improvement retailers. You may end up with a kitchen that looks like everyone else's if you choose this option.

Instead, when you want a totally unique kitchen that is unlike any other found in the neighborhood, you might want to custom order important fixtures like the cabinets and counters.  You can find out what your options are for custom ordered cabinetry, flooring, and granite countertops in Bradenton FL by going online today.

Checking Out Your Color Options
Materials like granite are typically available in an assortment of colors.  You can find it in slate gray, glossy black, and pearl white.  You can also find it in patterns that include flecks of different colors that add to its beauty and dimension.

You may not even realize how many options you have for this material until you visit the company's website.  When you want to get a better idea of what colors you can choose, you can click on the client gallery link at the top of the page.  It will take you to photos that show you what the materials look like, in what colors they are available, and what the finished result may appear like in your own kitchen.

By looking at the pictures, you can select a look for your house that you can take pride in and be happy with now and in the years to come.  You may decide that the material is a worthwhile investment that will give you a good return on your money.

If you are not someone who trusts your own gut instinct, you could be convinced that you made a good decision by reading the testimonials of clients who have used the service.  You can read about how happy they were with the work done in their homes.  Their reviews may convince you that you are making a good choice by customizing your cabinets and cupboards rather than buying mass produced items.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

How To Make The Most Of Your New York Vacation

New York is one of the most exciting cities on planet earth. When you go on a New York City vacation, it seems like there isn't enough time to explore everything that this bustling metropolis has to offer. While you might not be able to take in all of Manhattan on a single vacation, you can definitely make the most out of your vacation to the city that never sleeps. Here's how to do it.

Pack Wisely
Too many people worry about how they look instead of how they'll feel when they visit New York. While it's understandable that you want to look stylish in the most fashionable city on the planet, remember that New York vacations involve a lot of walking. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Take In The Entertainment
New York is arguably the best place in the world to experience live theater. From NY cabaret to Broadway shows, there's no better place to take in a breathtaking live performance. Start shopping for deals on tickets before you arrive in New York in order to ensure that you can see some great shows for reasonable prices.

Watch Out For Your Safety
While New York city is a lot safer than it was a few decades ago, any large city still poses some safety concerns. Watch out for anyone who seems too eager to talk to you, as they might be out to scam tourists. You should also always keep your belongings close to you, as petty theft is unfortunately common. However, don't believe anyone who tells you that New York is extremely dangerous. While you should definitely be alert and practice personal safety, New York is actually a lot safer than many similar-sized cities.

A New York City vacation is a great way to broaden your personal horizons and experience a place that so many people dream of visiting for yourself. Seeing New York in person is an experience unlike any other and everyone should visit the city at least once in their lifetime.

Suki's Visit at the Vet

Yesterday we had to skip my daughter's ballett class to bring our Suki to the vet for a follow up check up. She was always scratching her ears and shaking her head some 3 weeks ago that she can't sleep very well (and of course, the human mommy too). And because our Suki is such a sweet dog, she has no qualms going to the clinic.

Suki with my daughter at the examination room while waiting for the vet.

She would patiently wait in the waiting room, sniffing and greeting the other patients, and would not hesitate to get inside the examination room when it was our turn (no pushing and begging her to come) and would always greet the vet with joy and delight, happy face and all (no wagging tails though as she almost doesn't have one 😊).

What she dislikes though is having her ears checked. It was difficult the last time we went there, with frenchies having herculean strength when needed. But we didn't want to force her or endanger the vet nurse by being accidentally bitten. So we tried another trick this time, getting her calmed down first and giving her carrot treats while the vet examines her ears. Thank goodness it worked. And thankfully, the ear infection is gone.

That was such a relief, for all of us, for Suki most especially. And that is why it is always important to regularly dog's ears to keep the earwax in check, because as the adage says, "too much of something is not good."

Friday, June 15, 2018

What to Consider When Choosing Horse Insurance Companies

What are the best horse insurance companies? While many no doubt offer competitive rates, there is more to consider than just the cost. As you evaluate your options, take into account these considerations:

Do not settle for newcomers to the game. The best companies have a vast amount of experience, which is very important. After all, you can't afford to take risks when it comes to your horse. Look for an insurance company with a proven track record.

It may well be that you have other prized livestock that you would like to insure. Whether you are caring for cattle, dogs, horses, or other animals, having one insurance company that serves your needs for all of them can come in handy.

You want a company that can search for the best policy options for you. Instead of settling for the first one available, the right insurance provider will search diligently and give you a variety of options from which to choose.

Since you are no doubt very busy, you need an insurance company that is available when you are. Look for one with flexible hours and availability when you need them.

The horse industry has many complex factors that need to be taken into account. The right insurance provider will bring a deep working knowledge of this industry to the table, enabling you to trust that they know what they are doing in serving your needs.

Genuine Concern
Your livestock means a lot to you, and it should mean a lot to your insurance provider, too. Do not settle for a provider that treats you and your livestock as a mere business relationship. Rather, look for one that genuinely cares about the people and animals involved. This genuine concern will carry over into all aspects of the service that is provided to you.

The Eselsmühle in Siebenmühlental

The Siebenmühlental, roughly translated as "seven mills valley", is a hiking area between Leinfelden-Echterdingen and Waldenbuch in Baden-Württemberg. The name does not really correspond to the number of mills because instead of 7, it has a total of 11 mills, of which only one remains operational - the Eselsmühle.

The Eselsmühle has a beautiful history to it and today one can still take a look at the original mill wheel still intact. A visit to the Eselsmühle is a great idea to escape the humdrums and stress in the city. They also produce Demeter-quality breads and baked goods in the bakery using wood-fired ovens. 

There is also a Kaufladen (store) that sells organic and natural products and of course, animals that greeted the guests, both big and small. 

Another attraction: pony riding for the children. They usually make a short tour around the area (around 15 minutes), much to the delight of the kids. In the photos is my little girl, when she had her pony ride some 3 years ago.

 And when you get tired from all the sightseeing and hiking, you can always take a break at the Cafe. They serve organic food and beverages. Yum! It was very good!

After all that eating and drinking, you can continue on the way to explore the rest of the other mills or continue on one of the hiking trails around the Siebenmühlental. :)

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