Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Suki's Visit at the Vet

Yesterday we had to skip my daughter's ballett class to bring our Suki to the vet for a follow up check up. She was always scratching her ears and shaking her head some 3 weeks ago that she can't sleep very well (and of course, the human mommy too). And because our Suki is such a sweet dog, she has no qualms going to the clinic.

Suki with my daughter at the examination room while waiting for the vet.

She would patiently wait in the waiting room, sniffing and greeting the other patients, and would not hesitate to get inside the examination room when it was our turn (no pushing and begging her to come) and would always greet the vet with joy and delight, happy face and all (no wagging tails though as she almost doesn't have one 😊).

What she dislikes though is having her ears checked. It was difficult the last time we went there, with frenchies having herculean strength when needed. But we didn't want to force her or endanger the vet nurse by being accidentally bitten. So we tried another trick this time, getting her calmed down first and giving her carrot treats while the vet examines her ears. Thank goodness it worked. And thankfully, the ear infection is gone.

That was such a relief, for all of us, for Suki most especially. And that is why it is always important to regularly dog's ears to keep the earwax in check, because as the adage says, "too much of something is not good."

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