Monday, April 20, 2020

Explaining Installment Loans

There are a variety of loan types that banks offer. When taking out a loan, it is best that you know what type of loan is most appropriate for your needs. Explore the ins and outs of one of the most popular types of loans: installment loans.

What Are Installment Loans?
Loans offered by banks typically come with some sort of contract that defines how and when the loan will be repaid. When it comes to installment loans, a total loan amount is requested by the customers. Usually, they need to make a small payment upfront and then agree to a monthly payment until the total loan is paid off. The most common example of an installment loan is a mortgage.

How Do You Get an Installment Loan?
There are several different types of institutions from which you can take out an installment loan. Banks and credit unions are usually the first places many people think of when they think of taking out any kind of loan. If you already have an account, it's best to use your bank to take out the loan, as you already have a history with the institution. If you do not have a bank account, try searching online for a place to get one. To know if a local bank offer installment loans, search for installment lender Mississippi.

If you live on or near a Native American Indian reservation, you can also look into tribal installment loans, which are basically the same as regular installment loans. The main difference is that the loan is offered by an independent lending association that is not associated with the state or federal government. 

Installment loans are one of the most popular types of loans. Whether you want to buy a house, take out a loan for a car or another large purchase, an installment loan is probably your best bet. Talk to your local lending institution for more information.

Backyard Garden Ideas

We are moving again soon.. this time to somewhere we can really call our home. It has a small backyard where we can finally have our own small garden, enjoy grill parties and have a space for our Suki to play.

I have been scourging the Internet for some small garden ideas and here are my top picks:

1. This garden style gives that tropical feeling.. with bamboos, yucas, and palms, it gives you that vacation feeling. The white pebbles give it a fresh contrast.

2. A tree in the middle with a water fountain simply gives that calming and relaxing effect. A tree that transforms beautifully with the changing of the seasons will be pefect in this case.

3. A patch of green and paths leading to a back lounging area is also nice. A pergola can be added for those rainy days so you and your guests will not get wet. Your backyard area should be longer though.  

4. A tiled walkway on one side and a green patch and flowering blooms in pots on the other side with an eyecatching garden accessory like this white bicycle gives your backyard a chic look. 

5. A lounging area with a fire basin ensures that it will still be comfortable outside the garden even on those cold and chilly nights. Adding elements like gravel stones and wooden planking for the flooring gives texture and separates one area of the garden to the other. 

Which garden idea is your favorite?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Keeping Our Beaches Clean

Ah, a day on the beach: the quintessential element of a summer vacation, and a key component of a romantic walk into the sunset. However you enjoy the world's coastal beaches, you are probably aware that these delicate areas need to be protected. Follow these simple tips for how to keep the beaches near you in pristine condition for years to come. 

Protect Local Ecosystems
Many beaches are threatened by invasive species of both plant and animal variety. These organisms are harmful because they take valuable resources from native species and can end up overpowering a local environment because they have no natural predators. Companies like this lake and wetland management Sarasota county FL are taking steps like removing invasive species and restocking those that are more native. 

Guard Against Erosion
A number of natural causes can wreak havoc on coastlines. Water naturally flows toward the ocean, and natural disasters like hurricanes and tsunamis can quickly destroy what may have taken decades to build up. Although we can't stop the weather, we can take time to guard land against water and wind erosion by planting native plants. 

Pick Up Trash
Water, air and ground pollution are everywhere. When you are enjoying yourself in nature, take time to pick up your own trash and encourage those you are with to do the same. Perhaps have a local clean-up party to get rid of litter that can travel toward the ocean in rainstorms. This simple action helps to keep the area looking good and saves the lives of ocean-dwelling animals. 

You might not have the power of a large company or government, but there are still simple things you can do to help keep the beaches near you beautiful. Planting one plant, picking up one piece of litter, and removing one invasive organism can make a noticeable impact on the areas near you. 

A Different Easter

It has been more than a month now since the state of Baden-Württemberg implemented the protective measures to stem the spread of the Corona virus. Schools have closed since then and school children find themselves home schooling. Workers who are not in the critical infrastructure are urged to work from home. Car industries have opted to shut down their production lines. Restaurants, pubs, cinemas, museums, churches, public playgrounds are closed to prevent the gathering of people. All these measures are in place to help stem the spread of the COVID-19, to give the health system the time to accommodate the critical cases. 

Just yesterday, Chancellor Merkel and the state ministers have come to an agreement to relax the protective measures a bit - but by relax, it meant opening some of the shopping stores that have less than 800 sqm. store area whilst still implementing proper distance of 1,5-2 meters. Schools will slowly open beginning May 4th but initially for those who are in their final years and will be undergoing their examinations. Public gatherings and sports events are still not allowed though. Visiting friends and relatives are still restricted, even travel plans. 

It is usually around the Easter holidays when we have travel plans with the family, to enjoy Spring and celebrate Easter somewhere else.  This year is a very different story. We were not able to celebrate Easter somewhere else but celebrated it with the family at home. There was no church gathering and the usual Filipino traditions that I have been accustomed to while growing up like Palm Sunday, the Pabasa beginning on Holy Thursday until Good Friday, going on the Stations of the Cross and then celebrating Eater Sunday at Church with the Filipino community. 

But what I find beautiful in this crisis is the communion with God and friends online. I find it beautiful that I get to pray the rosary and novena for the dead with my high school friends. To attend the holy mass at the comforts of your home through a live broadcast on social media. Even though the churches are closed, communities are still able to gather online, praying at the comforts of home. We get to spend more time with the family. It could get challenging at times, when boredome strikes, but it is still a nice feeling.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

3 Simple Steps to Give Your Home Instant Curb Appeal

Want to improve your home’s visual aesthetic? Whether you want to impress visitors or just increase your personal enjoyment of your home, increasing curb appeal is always a smart idea. Here are three simple tips that will improve the look of your home and provide a welcoming first impression for all your guests.

1. Paint the Exterior
What better way to transform the look of your home’s exterior than to slap on a new coat of paint? Neutral tones, such as grey, tan, putty and wheat are recommended for exterior walls. Paint the trim in a contrasting color to really make your house pop. Consult with professional painting services Louisville so you can give your home a whole new look without lifting a finger!

2. Upgrade the Front Porch
If your front porch is nothing more than a simple concrete slab and a front door, it may be time to dress up your entryway. Start by replacing outdoor lighting so that guests can see your front door as they approach your house. If possible, build a pergola or awning to provide shelter in front of your door. Even simply replacing old house numbers with new ones can give your entryway a whole new look. These small steps will give your visitors a much friendlier welcome as they reach your front door.

3. Create Well-Defined Paths
Make your home much more inviting for visitors by creating a well-defined path to show guests the way to reach your front door. This could be as simple as laying down mulch or gravel, to something more substantial like a masonry or paved walkway. To make an even better impression on all your guests, install solar-powered lanterns around pathways to light the way from the street or driveway to your home.

You want your home to always look its best. If you follow these tips, your home will make an excellent first impression on each of your guests!

How To Beat COVID-19

It has been months now since the COVID-19 virus has spread throughout the world. It has affected the lives of everyone and the global economy. What makes it more difficult is that it is so new and we don't fully understand the virus yet and we need more data in order to come up with an effective treatment or vaccine against it. For the medical and pharmaceutical fields, it is a race against time.

So what can we do as ordinary citizens to beat this virus? Foremost, we must listen to what our health authorities say. If they are saying to stay at home, then by all means, please do so.

The most basic thing to do is to observe proper hygiene and treat everything you touch and person you meet to be infected with the virus.

Observing proper handwashing technique is very important. We all have seen illustrations and even videos on how to properly do it. It is important to thoroughly wash the hands including the wrists with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, rinse and thoroughly dry. Then sanitize hands with a disinfectant like 70% isopropyl alcohol.

Avoid touching your face especially in public places with unwashed hands. 

Should you sneeze or cough, use your elbow to cover your mouth.

Wear a mask when going out, especially when going to public places.

Keep a 1,5 - 2 meter distance to the person next to you, especially when in public areas. Avoid physical contact like shaking hands. 

Most of all, stay at home when you don't need to go outside to buy groceries or medicines or to see the doctor. This could definitely help save lives.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

4 Cost-Saving Tips for International Traveling

International travel offers cultural enrichment, delicious food and drinks, incredible historical settings, and a sense of adventure and exploration like no other. The cost of such an adventure can quickly add up but don't let that stop you from booking one. Here are some cost saving tips to consider when planning your next vacation overseas.

Reconsider Your Departure City
Flying from a large international airport, such as Newark in New Jersey, LAX in California, or George Bush in Texas, can cut airline ticket costs when traveling internationally. You may be able to skip an additional stop or layover if you leave from a large city's international airport that is within a couple of hours of your home.

Book Airport Transportation
After you book your ticket from a departure city, do some research about that airport's various services. For example, it is more economical to book Houston airport transportation services than to park a car at either of the city's airports. This may not save a whole lot of money in the long run, but the money you save would definitely pay for a few meals or museum tickets in a new country.

Fly Round Trip
If you are starting your trip in London, England, then you should also finish in London, England. When traveling internationally, plan your trip soin a circle, meaning you start and end your trip in the same place. This way you book a round trip ticket, which will always save you money. From there, take trains, buses, or domestic budget flights to travel to different cities or countries.

Decide What's Important
Divide your vacation budget into categories, such as eating, touring, sleeping, and traveling, and then decide what percentage of your budget you want to put in each category. This way you can plan to spend your hard earned money at Michelin star restaurants rather than five star hotels. You can book second class train tickets and have more money for private tours of museums. Decide what you want, plan a budget, and then stick to it.

International travel is expensive, but there are several ways to save money here and there. Most importantly, have a great trip.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Livewires 97 Fundraising for the Frontliners of Southern Philippines

The Corona virus has befallen the entire globe. Everyone is affected, nobody is exempted - no matter what color, religion, race or age group you may be, the virus comes undetected to infect you. Especially vulnerable are the senior citizens, the elder sector of our community aged 60 and above and those whose immune systems are compromised due to pre-existing illnesses like asthma, diabetes, kidney failure, and heart diseases to name a few. 

Many developed countries have a high number of positive cases of Covid-19 patients. Despite the advanced and good healthcare system and facility, some of them are not able to catch up with the pandemic, like in the case of Italy and even Spain. 

For third world countries like my home country, the Philippines, if the virus and contamination gets out of control, then it could really, really be critical for everyone. That is why the government in my country has ordered an enhanced community quarantine, and even extended it until the 30th of April because that is the only way that we can slow down the spread of the virus. This is to give precious time to our healthcare facilities to manage and handle the critical cases, to avoid the crowding of patients in our already full hospitals and to allow time for our scientists and researchers to find a cure. 

In my home country, especially in Southern Philippines, PPEs or personal protective equipment are very difficult to procure. Our frontliners are in dire need of them, because supplies have run out, and without them, they are placing their lives at a very great risk. Aware of this situation, our high school batch called Livewires 97 have initiated a fundraising campaign to help procure these essential PPEs and distribute them to hospitals handling COVID-19 cases like the SPMC (Southern Philippine Medical Center) and DMSFH (Davao Medical School Foundation Hospital) in Davao City, Royeca Hospital in General Santos City and DRMC (Davao Regional Medical Center) in Tagum City.

We are overwhelmed by the generosity of our donors from the day we started our fundraiser.

As of 6PM of April 6 Philippine time, we were able to raise a whopping Php 604,711.23! From all of us from our batch, we are very grateful for you support for our frontliners. Indeed, no amount is too small as your help can go a very long way. If you want to know more about our fundraiser, please feel free to visit us at our official website: or visit our Facebook page for updates at

Thank you again to everyone with a generous heart. May God bless you and keep you and your family safe and healthy! 

Tips for Your Next Florida Vacation

Florida is one of the most popular destinations in the country. It's home to beautiful beaches, amazing culture and some incredible amusement parks. You're bound to have a good time on your trip no matter what, but here are a few details you should plan in advance to ensure you get the most out of your vacation. 

Where to Stay
The first thing you'll need to decide is where in Florida you want to go. If you're looking for a family trip to the amusement parks, you'll likely want to stay in Orlando. Here you can choose from hotels, rentals or resort properties. Beach towns usually have plenty of rentals available depending on what you're looking for. They do book up way in advance during the warmer months, so be sure to plan ahead. 

How to Get There
Many people drive long distances to get to Florida in order to have their car with them, but that isn't always feasible. If you live a long way away, consider flying instead. You can get a Florida towncar service Orlando to take you to your hotel and take a care service to places that aren't within walking distance. Renting a car is always an option as well. 

What to Do
You won't have to worry about being bored on your Florida vacation, but you will need to choose what activities you can fit into your trip. If you're there for a beach trip, you'll likely spend most of your days on the beach, but look into the area where you've chosen to stay for some great night activities as well. There is also plenty of shopping and local culture to see during the day if you need a break from the sand and water for a bit. 

Although planning a trip can seem somewhat tedious, you'll be happy you did the work in advance. If you get all the details worked out beforehand, all you'll have to worry about doing once you're on vacation is enjoying yourself to the fullest. 

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