Ugh. Ants crawling through your outdoor picnic and mosquitoes dive-bombing your head while you work outside are one thing, but what do you do when those pests move inside your home? Or what about when those outside pests go from being a general nuisance to being a hazard to you, your family and your pets?
Commercial Products
You can always grab a can of bug spray at the store. However, read the label first! Some of these products should not be sprayed indoors, some not near pets and some actually cause health problems for people. Others only kill certain types of insects. Some kill everything including beneficial insects like ladybugs, praying mantises, bees and lacewing flies.
Glue traps can be helpful for crawling pests, if you can pinpoint where those pests will be crawling and set your trap accordingly. Keep in mind that for mammalian or reptile pests, glue traps need to be emptied frequently or the smell will overwhelm you.
Natural Solutions
Home remedies are a way to go. Check out a variety of blogs with ideas for pest control services Cape Coral FL that have natural remedies. Several of these are white vinegar based. Some blogs list signs and conditions to look for to help you identify which pest is invading your home.
One plus for home remedies is they usually don’t adversely affect the health of any person or pet living in the home. A downside is that they’re frequently specific to the type of insect pestering you, which means you’ll need to know what type of infestation you have.
Professional Control
An alternative is to seek the help of a professional. Pest service companies provide a variety of ways to combat infestations in your home and yard. They can help you with everything from bats in your attic to snakes in your basement, termites in your foundation or ants on your counters. Most pest companies have ideas on pest prevention they’re willing to share, too. Reputable ones will have recommendations from previous clients available.
With a little digging and perhaps some ingenuity, you can find a pest solution that both works for you and gets rid of your problem.

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