Interior design styles go in and out of fashion, and so do the furniture styles, color palettes and patterns that go with them. To a certain degree, antiques are the same way. Sometimes they are more popular, and their value goes up. Other times they fall from favor, and their value drops off. If you're looking tor tips about how to spit antiques that will hold value, look no further.
When you're looking for furniture that will hold value, you need to pay attention to the quality and the maker, but don't underestimate the importance of functionality. Many antique beds have lost value because people don't want the smaller antique sizes while you can always find use for high quality oriental rugs Atlanta or your area.
Well made old tools have held their value remarkably well. This is partly because people like using them; they are often better quality than their modern equivalents. They also have aesthetic value as decorative items, though that is subject to the whims of fashion.
Collectibles are perhaps the most hit-or-miss of antiques. Generally they don't have a lot of functionality, and quality isn't always a consideration. The value of a collectible is build largely on how rare they are and how well-known they are, so consider both of these before investing.
Not all antiques are created equal, and not all antiques will hold value, even if they are of the finest quality. An item is only worth what people are willing to pay for it, after all. However, if you are diligent about maintenance and discerning about quality, you can find antiques that will hold their value, even through the toughest economic times. Sometimes, it takes a little patience. Maybe no one is looking for that piece right now, but the pendulum of fashion will swing around eventually.

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