I find the German word for happy child, Glückskind, very beautiful. The word "glück" has various meanings, depending on the context. It could mean happy, lucky, fortunate. It is both a noun and a verb and when formed with other words, changes its meaning, which oftentimes connotes something positive.
I would say that having children is a fortune. And being a mother of two doubles the happiness.
This word is also used by a leading drugstore here as its membeship promotion for expecting women and moms with children. DM, that's the drugstore's name, gives away a small box of happiness for mothers with newborns for free. All they have to do is register through the drugstore's official app and activate the coupon. I recently got my "Kofferchen" a few weeks ago and it is filled with lots of sample goodies from various baby products.
The box contained the following items: avent feeding bottle, nuk pacifier, Naty plastic- and chemical-free diaper, alana cotton baby cap, medela and lansinoh nursing pads, pampers aqua pure baby wipes, babylove diaper change cream, penaten ultra sensitive lotion, seba med baby wash and lotion, buebchen skin milk.
Even my baby is happy and surprised with the contents. So many products from trusted brands to try. So far, we have tried the babylove diaper change cream, DM's private brand, and I find it works better than the one I am using from a higher end brand. I have just tried the Naty diaper and we will see if it suits my baby's skin. Will update once I have used up both. We are currently using pampers premium protection diapers so let's see. Will we make the switch or not?
And no, this post is not paid. I am mentioning the brand names so other moms may also know of my experience with these products and may help them decide which product to use for their babies.

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