Car inspections are necessary to endure that your vehicle is safe to be used in public and to check out the conformity of the emissions to existing standards. Should faults or issues arise during the inspection, they should be adressed or rectified first. Once done, a reinspection is conducted. Should there be no further issues, you get a certificate confirming that the vehicle is safe to use in the public. You then get a sticker that is attached to your vehicle's license plate, which tells you when your next car inspections will be done.
Lexi, our Toyota Corolla sports edition is due for inspection soon. She has an oil leak somewhere and my husband, being the handyman that he is, is trying to look for the source of the leak. So he has Lexi under close scrutiny in our small garage. He is only able to work on Lexi when time allows him to. That means after he finishes his work (he is in home office by the way), which is oftentimes already late. In the winter months, it is already very dark at 5 o' clock and so, he can't do much.
Hopefully he will be able to fix this problem before then so that Lexi can run without problems again.

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