I really admire people who can see the beauty in something so ordinary. I am amazed at how they can profoundly describe very ordinary things. Surely, a person like that is indeed gifted with a heart.
Among these extraordinary people who shares their profound thoughts on something so ordinary is Sharkbytes and his blog, My Quality Day. The subtitle summarizes what this blog is all about: "a personal list of elements that help me remember that any day will have some redeeming quality". Although not a very new kind of perspective for me, the author has reinforced in me that belief that no matter how bad my day has turned out to be, there's always something in it that has made it worth remembering and living. Because for every thing that we encounter, there is a reason, and a story behind it. Reading through his entries, I learned a lot about how the blog came to be, something that I really admire. And even without the author's permission, I am sharing with you the Elements of a Quality Day so that if you feel depressed and so very pessimistic about life, you may look at the list and see if there is even one item in it that you did, and if there is one, then it's something to be cheerful about. So here it is:
1. Experience something new or beautiful
2. Do something outside
3. Learn something new
4. Accomplish something
5. Do a service for the Lord
6. If I just feel good anyway for no particular reason (in other words, it's not a bad day if none of the above happen, but I'm not feeling down about it. This prevents the logical progression, "if none of 1-5 happen then I must be depressed.")
The blog's layout is very simple, with a white background and a two-column template. The photos that you will commonly encounter in the posts are of the great outdoor, which clearly shows the author's passion for hiking.
Want to have a little dose of sunshine? My Quality Day will be sure to cheer you up! This blog is surely a must read, so that if you happen to stumble upon it on Adgitize, don't just click and go!
i started making my days "quality"...galing ng author talaga...
wow this I like this , you are good!
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