Saturday, September 25, 2010

Flammende Sterne

Or "Blazing Stars" is an annual fireworks festival in several places in Germany. The first Flammende Sterne was in 2003 in Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern.

The festival usually takes place for two or three days, between Friday and Sunday. It is actually an annual competition where different pyrotechnic teams from different countries compete for the best fireworks show. 

A photo of the Mexican fireworks exhibit. I am not good at taking 
fireworks photos so that I wasn't able to optimize the use of my camera. 
This photo didn't do justice to the beauty of the fireworks and 
is a grim comparison to the photo below taken by Christian Schenkl.

The photo that won 1st Place in the Flammende Sterne 2010 Photography Contest.

This year, New Zealand, Mexico and Germany were the participating countries. We missed watching the New Zealand exhibition which was shown on a Frida but we did manage to watch both the Mexican and German fireworks exhibition. Since my PIL were here during that time, we made sure that they were able to witness such a wonderful and extravagant fireworks festival because it happens only once a year and it is a rarity in the Philipines.

I can say that the fireworks festival was a successful event. Many people came to see the fireworks, around 40,000 on the last day and we were lucky that the weather cooperated. It was a sensational and awesome event, and reminded me of my first (and hopefully not the last) Hanabi festival experience in Japan.

I did manage to take a video of the German Fireworks Exhibition. It wasn't just all bang-bang and exploding sounds. The pyrotechnic team coupled it with a beautiful repertoire of music and I think it was able to create that overall effect. Unfortunately, I can't upload my own video here so here's a video taken by gerografie and published on YouTube:

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