Sunday, September 5, 2010

Marriage & Divorce

Some marriages are based on friendship and love. Some are based on practicality and convenience. Some even on lies. I often hear of famous people getting married one day and then getting divorced the next. Of a divorced couple fighting over who gets custody of their children or of who gets what. I have also read and heard about pre nuptial agreements to protect one's properties before tying the knot. I don't know why people bother to get married if they are going to get divorced in the end anyway. But whatever the reasons, I know that at some point in their lives, they loved each other.

But getting a divorce is a tedious and very emotional matter. It may look like only the couple is involved, but if you come to think of it, there ate lots more: children, relatives, properties to name a few. That is why there are Family law solicitors in London and in other countries where divorce is a reality to provide advice and representation to some sensitive family issues.

While I do not believe in divorce, I do respect other people's decisions for getting one. It is their own life after all and I believe that the serious people who get one are doing it for the best of their children. But a divorce is still a divorce. It leaves children without a mother or a father to grow up with. Although there are visitation rights, life just isn't the same growing up without a father AND a mother who will be with a child all the way.

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