Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Women Obese As They Age

I recently read a report saying that women are more likely to be obese than men, especially when they age. This is because women have the tendency to gain more weight over time than men. During the child-bearing years, the extra pounds usually begin to pile up. This will continue on to the peri-menopausal and menopausal stage.

Many experts recommend stopping the problem before it starts. Many women are urged to engage in weight loss programs such as diets and workouts and what have yours. Some are even prescribed womens weight loss pills for them to effectively lose weight and prevent obesity and other chronic diseases such as rheumatism.

Are you on the right track? Are you trying to lose weight at this point in time when your BMI is still on the safe side? It has always been said that "prevention is better than cure." With this in mind, we should all start living a healthy and fit lifestyle TODAY.

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