Monday, September 6, 2010

TCP#55: Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Hello Couchers! Welcome to the September 6th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes, a Tuesday movie meme where we post about a movie each week. This month, we are going to feature our favorite films starred by famous Hollywood biggies. We start off with our favorite Brad Pitt movies.

My pick will have to be Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It's a great action-comedy spy movie with a twist featuring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Their casting is just perfect and although it is action-packed and quite violent, it still tackles marital issues. Although their fights are on the extreme, it addressed the fact that husbands and wives do have differences and it is up to them if they want to work things out or not. I also enjoyed the witty and funny lines from the movie. It seemed to balance the violent scenes.

So what's your Brad Pitt movie? Come share with us this week and don't forget to enter your TCP link URL in the linky below:

I hope you enjoyed this week's theme my dears. I look forward to reading your entries. Hope I can visit them within the week. Next week's theme will be: Favorite Morgan Freeman Movie. Thanks for joining us this week Couchers! Happy TCP!


K said...

awww.. yan din sana bet ko, kaso pick mo na, so iba na lng. hehehe

Rossel said...

bagay talaga silang dalawa. i love this movie too but my all time favorite brad pitt's movie is "Legends of the Fall".

Vera said...

Ooohh I think I want to join TCP for the first time! Let me check first if anyone's posted my favorite Brad movie yet :)

niko said...

i love this toooo! :) super nice film! mine is up na kamz!

Mommy Liz said...

I love this movie, so full of action..

kim said...

i LOVE this film! i love the theme, the plot, the action, the cast.. one great film, indeed!

Chris said...

seems like this movie was tailor-made for them, di ba! :)

happy tuesday!

zoan said...

hello kikamz...

i super love MR and MRS smith :D :)

tsaka invite ulit kita sa contest ni Red :)

kailangan ng referral eh :D wahahaha thanks

Apostolic Lighthouse said...

This is a great film. Full packed action.

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