Tuesday, September 21, 2010

TCP#57: The Bangers Sisters

It's Tuesday once again... Time to feature another movie here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes.We are still into the theme Favorite Movies from a specific actor/actress and this week, we will feature our Favorite Susan Sarandon Movie.

I have always enjoyed the movies made by Susan Sarandon. One that I particularly love is The Bangers Sisters which was co-starred by Goldie Hawn and Geoffrey Rush. It is a story about friendship, about being true to oneself, about looking back at ones past as something that is not to be embarassed of.

Lavinia (Sarandon) and Suzette (Hawn) are former rock groupies. When Suzette loses her job as a bartender, she decides to pay her friend Vinie, whom she hasn't seen in a very long time, a visit all the way to Arizona. During her road trip, Suzette gets stranded at a gasoline station and without any money to pay for gasoline, she picks up Harry Plummer, a nervous author who is also on his way to Phoenix to confront his father. When they reached their destination, Suzette finds out that Vinie is now Mrs. Lavinia Kingsley, playing the perfect wife to lawyer Raymond Kingsley and mother to two complicated teenagers Hanna and Ginger. Vinie is reluctant to reexperience the flower of her youth, and Harry finds confrontation with himself rather than with his father. But all is well that ends well. Vinie came to terms with her past and her family understood that she is human after all and Suzette returns to Los Angeles together with Harry.

Got a Susan Sarandon movie that you particularly love? Come share it with us here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes. Don't forget to enter your TCP link's entry into the linky below:

Next week, September 28th, we will feature our Favorite Robin Williams Movie. Thank you for joining us this week Couchers! Hope to see you next week for another TCP movie. Happy TCP everyone!


Mommy Liz said...

Napanood ko to, katuwa, miss ko tuloy ang sister ko, hay...

anne said...

Haven't watch this movie, dami pala niya movie ano thanks for this Meme

Jenn said...

First time to join TCP. I don't know much Susan Sarandon movies, but based on the synopsis, I sure hope I could watch it, too.

kim said...

i remember the title but i can't remember watching it. sounds interesting, though... well, considering the casts, Susan Sarandon and Goldie Hawn, i'm pretty sure it's one great film..

Vera said...

Oh I missed TCP this week! I probably would have entered with StepMom this week.

I saw the Bangers Sisters and liked it very much. Girlfriends are good for the sould :)

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