Thursday, September 16, 2010

Will You Get Online Help For Your Kids?

Education is a vital aspect in our children's lives. It is in school where they learn many other things that we as parents cannot teach them. School prepares them to decide what they want to be and what they want to do when they become adults. As parents, we are also instrumental in our child's learning. We can guide them and help them in their homeworks and even tutor them on some of the basics like prime numbers, and inspire and encourage them to pursue their interests. But I know we can only do so much.

As parents, we must acknowledge the fact that no two children are the same. There are some who have a strength with numbers and wouldn't have any difficulty answering Math questions and there are some children who just can't get past a simple chemical reaction. Let's face it, we have all been there and gone through what many K-12 and young college students are going through these days. And it is no laughing matter, especially if your kid is having a difficult time with the sciences and math and needed some Chemistry homework help and you can't do anything about it.

It is in times like this when online tutoring can be of great help. This type of tutoring is interactive and because it uses a medium that kids find fun and interesting, it will somehow help them perk up their interest and make learning more convenient and fun for them. Because it is done at the comfort of our homes, we do not need to worry about transportation costs anymore. Also, the children can get Geometry help, Chemistry help and Physics help at any given time of the day because the qualified online tutors are available 24/7.

So if you are to ask me if I would seek the assistance of an online tutor, why not? If I could not help my child anymore and if he/she refuses to be taught by me, then I would gladly welcome help from a professional who is more experienced at teaching children these things. I only want what's best for my child and if what I can teach her and help her with is not enough, I would definitely avail of such a service.


maritz said...

Hi kikiamz...My contest just ended and Cups and Lower case is one of my sponsor. Their is someone who paid in the name of Cristina Bustamante, Is this you? Sorry for asking, the payment does not contain any note... di ko rin ma identify blog nya.

maritz said...

Hi kikiamz...My contest just ended and Cups and Lower case is one of my sponsor. Their is someone who paid in the name of Cristina Bustamante, Is this you? Sorry for asking, the payment does not contain any note... di ko rin ma identify blog nya.

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