Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ball Spielen!

My daughter loves to play ball. She would prefer playing ball over dolls you would think she is not a girl. But she is of course one very sweet little girl who just happens to like moving around a lot. Each time she sees her basketball, a small sized one that we bought as a souvenir during our visit our to Europa Park last yeat, she would delightfully scream "ball spielen!" which means "play ball". We would then play catch and pass the ball or sometimes, play soccer with it. I can say that through playing ball, she was able to develop her motor skills and hand and foot coordination. 

My little girl has lots of toy balls: she has a basketball, a soft soccer ball, a tennis ball, and a number of small plastic ones. Perhaps I could add personalized basketballs to her collection when the time is right.

Although I am not a sporty mommy, I could encourage my little girl to do sports by introducing her to the endless possibilities of ball sports. When she is big enough to play with other kids, I wouldn't hold her back. But for now, her ball spielen days are limited here at home or at the kindergarten.

1 comment:

zoan said...

My son loves to play basketball and i do encourage him too, I don't play sports dati kasi cheerleader lang ako, but i think if only my parents encouraged me back then, baka mas naging sports minded ako :)

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