Friday, October 22, 2010

The Beauty of Bluetooth

So you have a car. And you have a mobile phone. You are driving your car and then your mobile phone rings. What do you do?

Option 1: Do you get your phone in one hand and answer it while the other is holding the steering wheel?
Option 2: Do you park on the shoulder of the road before answering the phone?
Option 3: Do you use your headset to answer it?

Most likely, many will choose Option 3. In many countries, motorists are mandated to use headsets when they are using their mobile phone while driving. This is for the safety of drivers and the general traffic. For those who are simply hard headed and want to risk it, they would choose Option 1. For those who still have time to spare and are not in any hurry, they would choose Option 2.

But what if both your car and your mobile phone are Bluetooth enabled? Then there would be no need for those fussy and easily entangled headsets. One can just enable the Bluetooth connectivity in their car and mobile phone and they can drive safely while talking to someone on their mobile phone. I think it is safer and one can hear the voice clearly too. Others can even join in the conversation because everyone can hear it.

Hubby does that most of the time, especially if he is already on his way home from work. And I don't have to worry about him using his phone while driving because I know both his hands are holding the steering wheel.

1 comment:

zoan said...

i couldn't agree more:) az in, tamang-tama ang mga ganitong gadgets talaga :)

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