Monday, October 4, 2010

Tuesday is Moving Day

So my countdown for Moving Day has almost come to a close. After all the repainting, cleaning and packing up (which is not yet totally done), we will finally move into our new home in less than two days. Time is ticking fast for me especially that I don't have much time to do the rest of packing and the cleaning tomorrow. If only I could stretch the first half of the day, I would... just so I could finish everything.

I am thankful that hubby has already moved most of the moving boxes at the basement. There's now more space in the house. He has also done the glass cleaning and put away the curtains and the all the other stuff that I asked him to do. I, on the other hand, am not yet finished packing up our clothes, the rest of the kitchen stuff and the toiletries. And I still need to clean up the toilet. Just thinking about the rest of the things that I need to do gives me a huge headache.

Since it is moving day on Tuesday, that means no more IC for me. The telecom company hasn't sent a schedule yet and it has already been two seeks since we applied for a transfer. Tsk! tsk! tsk! I don't want to be IC-less for more than a week! I don't think I can survive that. How am I supposed to update my blogs if I don't have an internet? Geez!!! I guess that would mean having to go to an internet cafe or begging friends to let me use their computer / laptop at home.

So if you don't hear from me for quite some time, that means I still don't have an IC. I hope it won't take long though.


Chris said...

busy busy! take care!

zoan said...

hay naku,yan ang hirap pag naglilipat, dami dapat gagawin, at daming kalat na kailangan ayusin :D buti nalang di masyado ako naglilipat ng bahay. ehehe

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