Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mulling Things Over

I always commute when I go to the university. A one-way trip from home to the university takes about 40 minutes including changing trains. This allows me ample time to mull over different things, ideas, and what nots. I should say that I enjoy this short quiet "me" time.

Sometimes, I would think about the what ifs. What if we were still in Japan? Would I also get the courage to get a Masters degree? What if I run into an accident,(God forbid!)? Who would take care of my child? I haven't got any funeral plans yet. What if, what if, what if? I am not so fond of the what-ifs because they always lead me to think negatively and conjure up very gory images.

Sometimes, I would reminisce my little girl's infant-hood and it never ceases to amaze me at how much she has grown. Then I become grateful and realize how much lucky I am.

Sometimes, if my husband opens up a subject that needs to be discussed and decided on, the travel time allows me to think through the pros and cons. And I get to prepare my argument, if ever there is one.

I also get to pray on my way to the university. I must admit we haven't been praying together in the mornings the way we used to because our schedules just won't fit. I find the travel time my prayer time. With no one to bother me, I can sit (or stand) in silence, pray and hope that the day will go according to His will.

1 comment:

Mel_Cole said...

Same here Kikamz, we just had an accident a week ago. But if you pray fervently, things are gonna be ok with you. Heavenly angles will protect you.

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