Tuesday, December 14, 2010

For Our Viewing Pleasure

A new LCD TV for Christmas? Not bad! It would just be perfect as a Christmas gift, don't you think? My husband has been looking for television sets on the internet including those from Sony and he has been comparing the many options and features available.

Our TV rack is well on the way. It is scheduled to be delivered this Friday. The only problem is that we don't have a TV set yet. Our internet socket is in another room, and it is very far from the living room and our media receiver and network connections are in that room. So I guess we will be needing HDMI repeaters that can extend up to a 100 feet if we want to enjoy internet TV and high definition shows. Good thing there is HDMIrepeater.org that sells just these stuff. An HDMI converter is out of the question because most of the commercially available TVs are now HDMI ready.

I am excited to get our own television set. I wish though that we could get it sooner. You see, we have been using our desktop monitor as a television screen if we want to watch a movie or a television program and it is not so exciting because the screen is small. With a 40 inch LCD TV, the experience will be very different.

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