Tuesday, December 14, 2010

TCP#69: The Santa Clause

In less than two weeks, we will be celebrating Christmas. I know everyone is busy with Christmas parties and gift shopping among other things. And I bet each one is expecting to receive some lovely surprise from Santa Claus this year. But before we dig in, let's enjoy our share of movies for this week's theme: Santa Movies here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes this week. My apologies again for posting very late this week.

My pick for this week is the movie The Santa Clause.  What would you do if something bad happened to Santa Claus on Christmas Eve? You would definitely go on a panic right? Who would give the children their gifts if Santa cannot make it? I guess this movie explored that possibility and the result is a very funny yet heartwarming tale of a man who doesn't believe in Santa Claus until he was forced into the situation to become Santa Claus himself. With Tim Allen leading the role as the new Santa Claus, this movie is one great way to spend the Christmas Eve with the family.

Missed this one? Here's a preview:

The Santa Clause (1994)

What's your Santa Movie? Come share it with us this week by entering your TCP entry in the linky below:

Thanks for joining us this week Couchers! Our theme next week will be: A Family Christmas, movies about families celebrating the Christmas season. Hope to see you again next time. Take care and Happy TCP!


Seiko said...

Wahhh!!!It's all about Santa movie pala & not just about Christmas movie :(( baguhin ko entry ko mare hidni kasi muna nag check eh :(

Earth said...

oh yeah! i've seen this one. great film!

Earth said...

oh yeah! i've seen this one. great film!

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